Farmàcia Genís

Your trusted neighborhood pharmacist in Vilanova

We assist and provide coverage for more than twenty years in all Vilanova. With this website we want to give everyone a tool to communicate with us and improve our service quality.

Rambla Pau, 89
Vilanova i la Geltrú
Tel.: 938 155 611

Hours of opening:
Mondays to fridays from 08:30am to 20:30pm
Saturdays from 09:00am to 1:30pm

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Over 22 years, the Pharmacy Genís has accumulated a wealth of experience and quality, making the pharmacy a meeting between patient and pharmacist to make a continuous assessment of diseases, treatments and medications.



Our pharmacy is not just dispensing drugs, we also control blood pressure and do blood analisys like cholesterol, sugar, uric acid ... and we also offer dietician, physiotherapy and beauty entertainment brands in the pharmaceutical dermocosmetics.


